Linux History and Background

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Introduction to Linux in HPC/Historical Background
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Title: Introduction to Linux in HPC
Provider: HPC.NRW

Type: Multi-part video
Topic Area: HPC Platforms
License: CC-BY-SA

1. Background and History
2. The Command Line
3. Linux Directory Structure
4. Files
5. Text display and search
6. Users and permissions
7. Processes
8. The vim text editor
9. Shell scripting
10. Environment variables
11. System configuration
12. SSH Connections
13. SSH: Graphics and File Transfer
14. Various tips

This part of the tutorial introduces Linux and puts it into context with the UNIX operating system, the POSIX standard, and the GNU initiative. It further introduced terms like kernel and distribution that will help you understand further literature or videos on this topic.


( Slides as pdf)


1. What is the POSIX Standard?

A standard describing interfaces that all complicant variants of UNIX need to implement.
A proposal for a new operating system succeeding UNIX.
A UNIX distribution that had to be renamed due to legal claims.

2. What does Linux refer to?

A complete installation of the operating system with all supporting tools and applications.
The operating system kernel only.
The operating sytem kernel including the most basic system tools.

3. What is a distribution?

A commercial publishing channel to obtain the Linux kernel.
A pre-configured collection of Linux kernel and accompanying applications.
A public file server hosting the Linux kernel and a few system applications.
None of the Above

4. What does GNU stands for?

GNU's Not Unix
Geek Needed Unix
General Unix
None of the Above

5. How many HPC systems of the Top500 used some form of Linux in June of 2020?




The Command Line >>